SEO Packages

We offer great prices, premium products and quality SEO services for your business.




List of all the included process and tasks in the packages.

The first thing we do is conduct keyword research. We go through all possible keywords and identify the ones that will increase your website traffic and revenue. We identify 100 – 500 keywords in this stage.

Our job is to beat your competition. We look at the keywords your competition uses and for the opportunity to create new keywords for your website. We set very broad standards for these keywords so as to identify as many of them as we possibly can.

The purpose of this step is to get as many words as possible that we can use to identify unique aspects of your company’s brand.

Once we have the list of keywords, we use them to create a keyword mapping document that shows you titles, sub-titles, headings and content before mapping the keywords to the existing pages. We also identify the pages needing to be created to optimise the entirety of your website.

Every week we will grade the effectiveness of your rankings and make changes as needed because of changes in the market or in the products or services that you offer.

At the end of every month you receive an online report indicating all improvements and all the work that has been done for you during the month.

and posting it to social media. This is what’s known as link bait. It could be a free tool like a pricing calculator, an e-book, an in-depth guide on a topic that’s important to them and relevant to your brand, or a helpful infographic.

We are going to select the best focused keywords to draw more attention from the search engines. We have the analytical tools to show us how strong the landing pages are and how strong your website is in relation to the rest of the internet.

Once the keyword mapping document is complete, we do a technical audit on your website to ensure that the nuts and bolts aspects of your website are up to snuff.

All technical aspects of your website including meta info, brand visibility, site speed, website security, technical problems, non-existent pages and gaps in content will be checked and listed at this stage.

Once we have completed the audit-and after your approval-we optimise the website to ensure that the search engine algorithms like it technically and that it can handle the increased traffic that will soon be generated.

Every month we create fresh content for your campaign and use the latest methods of link building in order to promote your website.

At this stage we also begin cultivating links from other websites that will reinforce your expertise. This is where we engage with people to receive links. The goal is to get high quality vs. high volume links as Google penalizes sites that have too many low quality links.

We review the strategy a few times a week to make sure we’re heading to the right direction.

How We Do It?


Week 1: Kickoff

Our SEO experts will get in touch with you and gather as much information about you and your business. We'll conduct an On-Site audit to identify all areas where we can improve and how we can optimise your ranking on Google and other search engines.


Week 2 & 3: Analysis and research

Our SEO experts will find your perfect buyer persona through Market & Keyword Research. Additionally, Competitor Analysis will be conducted to give you the results you wish.


Week 4: Onsite Optimisation

Once the proposed changes are approved by you, Technical Implementation of the code will be carried out by our expert team to give you the result you deserve.


After Week 4: Offsite Optimisation

Here we focus on Link building, increasing the number of quality links referring back to your website. Furthermore, our team will manually input your business info into all local directories.

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